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Tigerwings große Fitnessmatte ODM für Meditation

Tigerwings große Fitnessmatte ODM für Meditation
  • Tigerwings große Fitnessmatte ODM für Meditation

Tigerwings große Fitnessmatte ODM für Meditation

The design of Tigerwings large fitness mat mainly includes the following processes: preliminary 3D solid modeling, finite element analysis of parts and assemblies, panel layouts, PLC programming according to IEC 61131-3 standards. Opticlimate two-stage evaporation system is developed to deliver 100% fresh air cooling

PU-Yogamatte aus PU-Material und Naturkautschuk. Diese Matte ist eine Kombination aus unglaublicher Rutschfestigkeit und großartigem Umweltschutz. Unzählige Yogis sind auf PU umgestiegen, weil die Oberfläche selbst beim schweißtreibendsten Hot Yoga dauerhaft rutschfest ist. Yogis müssen während der Hot-Yoga-Praxis nie ein Handtuch benutzen.

PU-Yogamatten sind außergewöhnlich griffig und eignen sich daher perfekt für Yoga. Und weil sie aus Naturprodukten bestehen, stößt PU keine aggressiven Chemikalien aus. PU ist außerdem außergewöhnlich langlebig und kostengünstig.

Quality inspections and tests of Tigerwings large fitness mat will be carried out by the QC team. It will be scrutinized for different aspects, including bending, impact, compression, hardness, aging, and abrasion resistance performance. Hicool's opticlimate split unit can be customized to meet different demands
Tigerwings large fitness mat is designed with a range of operation types, These types include automatic operation, continuous operation, synchronous operation, modular operation, etc. Hicool's opticlimate packaged unit is exported to East Europe, the Middle East and South Africa
Tigerwings large fitness mat is manufactured with high quality. Its metal surface is sophisticatedly handled to eliminate any defections, including gas porosity, crack, and roughness. Innovative software system helps tailor air control solutions for opticlimate split unit
Tigerwings large fitness mat has been tested for many times. These tests have been conducted in terms of power, efficiency, service life, strength, stiffness, anti-friction, wear and tear, vibration stability, etc. Hicool's opticlimate packaged unit has been widely applied in greenhouse, offices and yachts
The design of Tigerwings large fitness mat adopts various technologies. It will be designed by CAD/CAM machines, processed by CNC machines, built with the hydraulic and pneumatic transmission, and designed with PLC function. Opticlimate two-stage evaporation system can predict system performance and energy consumption
The product is resistant to water. The alumina or resin sulfide system with low water absorption filler have been adopted, such as barium sulfate, and clay. Opticlimate two-stage evaporation system can resist corrosion
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